Sunday, August 06, 2006

Pics from the commute

The first look in the morning, this is where I live now

First stop on the commute, E55th Rapid Station

Second stop, University Circle RTA stop and folding "pony"

What is this? Just a turkey standing in the middle of Monticello Blvd in Cleveland Heights. It was chasing the cars... Sometimes I feel like that turkey... as I ride my bike here in Cleveland.

One of the biggest "positives" of commuting by bike, stopping a Coventry for a beverage.

A cool view from the RTA RED LIne platform. Different perspective up there on Cedar Road Below...

Yesterday went for a bike ride with my roommate, roughly 30 miles, in the Cuyahoga Valley National Park...

Came across a trail and it had sign on it... No BIKES ALLOWED!! A bike with a line thru it. I am aware of the struggle and the political battle to get Legal Trail Access for bikes in OHIO. Of course since my friend BTB is Mr. CAMBA, my friend and I walked the trail. It is a great one too!! Wow! Such beauty so close to the city. In this society we complain about how over weight we are and we buy low carb this and low carb that, but when it comes to opening a 3 mile trail to bikes it becomes a political war over who is allowed and who is not. Weak, short sighted leadership is all I can think of that is not fighting for simple things like this in the OHIO political arena. CAMBA can only do so much we need support from everyone. Promote Legal Trail access for bikes in Cuyahoga Valley National Park. It has to happen! As I sit here with slightly sore legs from the riding, I am happy that I am continueing what I told my friends in Eindhoven that I would do and that is cycling to work!


Blogger Jim Eastman said...

Hey man-

Turns out Friday will be even more fun than we thought. Not only will we get to stumble around Tremont and drink, but it's also an ArtWalk night. We can stumble around Tremont, drink, and look at cool art. :-D

1:53 PM  
Blogger flockjcu said...

very cool! to all who read and all who want to join some fun in tremount area of Cleveland.

Come this friday to Tremount and hang out. Contact me via email..

7:13 PM  

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