Sunday, October 22, 2006

mechanical failures

This week I experienced mechanical failures on my modes of transportation. First was my auto. It went down, right front wheel. I think the roads to work faciliated the breakdown. Then my Redline single speed went down. I took a ride in the SV, it was great all the cool trails I found. The irony was after riding some good dirt hills and doing some nice rock walks that it wasn't until I was 5 minutes from home that the spindle in the bottom bracket sheared off. See pic below.

Redline broken

So then I am leaving work to go with my dad for a beer and I am riding my bike and he notices my rear wheel on the folding bike is wobbling. I look down, and indeed it is, damn....
Now this bike is downhard.... see pic below

busted rear wheel Dahon

So...... I have some ideas for fixes but takes time to implement.

Anyway, check this pic from the Rio Grand.

photo by anastacia

By the way, I am officially promoting BernardVideo's screening on Nov. 10th. Details to follow. This is a free event and will show some "movies for the people."(Bernie)



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