last night...
I had a bike experience to no other. It was grand! I spent the entire day touring Cleveland. First rode to Tremount from the village...had to make a secret detour at the "steel yard commons" fancy construction site. Stopped at Lucky's for a sandwhich... then on to downtown for the tail end of tailgating with my friend SJ. On the route I got to see the entire spectrum of the society, from the Puerto Rican neighborhood around Scranton and Denison to the Artist and Bohemian's at Lucky's then to the sports fans and the mainstream at the Muni-Lot. And all along the way by the bike... rode home from the pub around 2130 and put the bike, my friend let me borrow his bike with gears, ( i kind of like gears, I see why people have them) into the "big" ring and rode hard. I was going fast up broadway... and got home around 2200.
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