Tuesday, October 31, 2006

what is real?

I just noticed pursueing my space here on the net that I don't have pictures of hot women anymore on the blog....

It seemed that in euroland each day unfolded a new beautiful flower to photograph.

SJ once posted that my life there wasn't real, that drinking dortmunder and gasping for air in the pollution of the great lakes was my reality.

He may be right, becaue those experiences and the fun are gone. Now, all I do is work (tuning the coils) commute and study and blog about politics.

i have no new pics to publish only my thoughts. I was told by a colleague at work today to mind the content I place on my blog for I may be considered "an enemy combatant". But I don't care, I got an image today at work. My team and I worked hard and kept focus and "squeezed" out some signal of that MRI machine. It wasn't the best image, but it was an image. Flipping hydrogen protons and "listening" to their energy levels "radiate" seems like it would be an easy task. Right? Well.. I could go into details but I would be defying Sarbanes-Oxley. Sorry, I had to get that one in there....
Does anyone know what Sarbanes-Oxley means to business world?


Monday, October 30, 2006

new years eve plans?

I got this in my inbox today... some usual spam... well.. I am considering going to this...

I am going to buy my tickets next week. So If you want in, let me know, or if you want to try to talk me out of it....


Tuesday, October 24, 2006

another surprise..

How exciting, I went to this conference tonight "Entrepeneurs for Sustainability"


Very interesting presentation. In attendence was Dennis, the congressman, with his honey, the mayor of Cleveland, and numerous people from around the world. I spoke with this woman from India who just flew in for the conference, amazing.
A quote I picked up and will share, "anyone can count the number of seeds in an apple, but no one can count the number of apples in a seed". The take away message from the conference was," Enlightened self interest is sustainable".

After the conference I fixed my folding bike. I purchased a steel bmx wheel for 30 bucs... a bit more robust for the potholes in this town. Back on the road again!

Sunday, October 22, 2006

mechanical failures

This week I experienced mechanical failures on my modes of transportation. First was my auto. It went down, right front wheel. I think the roads to work faciliated the breakdown. Then my Redline single speed went down. I took a ride in the SV, it was great all the cool trails I found. The irony was after riding some good dirt hills and doing some nice rock walks that it wasn't until I was 5 minutes from home that the spindle in the bottom bracket sheared off. See pic below.

Redline broken

So then I am leaving work to go with my dad for a beer and I am riding my bike and he notices my rear wheel on the folding bike is wobbling. I look down, and indeed it is, damn....
Now this bike is downhard.... see pic below

busted rear wheel Dahon

So...... I have some ideas for fixes but takes time to implement.

Anyway, check this pic from the Rio Grand.

photo by anastacia

By the way, I am officially promoting BernardVideo's screening on Nov. 10th. Details to follow. This is a free event and will show some "movies for the people."(Bernie)



Tuesday, October 10, 2006

did the indians win? nice fireworks display.

Beautiful sight... A long time ago in "trade" school i had a professor laugh at the idea of a full house at Jacobs field and the power plant clean it's baghouse, what i think is going on here(usually they do it at night). That is the part of the power plant that catches bulk particles of soot, basically cleaning the chimney out. Well, sunday was the day!! And there it is... great site ej? Love them fossil fuels, huh? 100 years ago it was a sign of prosperity to be showing pollution, producing smoke meant your factory had an output viable to the community, does that idea still hold true in an age of Corporate Social Responsibilty (CSR)?

Monday, October 09, 2006


this is Cleveland...yup... that is it... pretty sweet huh?

Sunday, October 08, 2006

E voting machines

found this article while "researching" my paper.


Please read the article, the Dutch one, it is in English. It is very practical in it's aim. Not a bunch of nerdy jargon.

wifi in the park

just want to thank my buddy steve... it works!!! i am sitting in the park and blogging and connecting to my school database. Muchas Gracias!! Wow!! How cool. This is as good as my friend Dennis taking his surf board to the beach and doing "work" online then surfing. Make sure you tell Dennis, Daan, I am "working" in the park and the sky doesn't have one cloud. How awesome. I finally have found something cool in Cleveland.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Who's governing who?

Goobernatorial debate 2006 State Ohio.
Maybe something happened to me in Europe, I don't know... I am just a guy, a simple guy, no PHD or anything, but the prospective political leadership of the State of Ohio is piss poor. This maybe another indicator of how much the system is actually broken. I really think after listening to these to two candidates that my proposal for turning OHIO back into a farm land sounds very palatable at this point, because nothing out of any of their mouths has any sense of leadership or or action to produce any realistic value here

Dead weight sums up the two candidates.
How do you even work with this crappy leadership? I mean just complaining is as much apart of the problem. Nobody is going to vote except for the rural farmers, the ones that probably would support my plan.
My platform would be:
-lower the drinking age to 18 (deal with the ramifications of the federal backlash)
-public infrastructure for new business' in rural to suburban areas that require "tie" inn to these services will not be publicly subsidized , ie. no funding for widening roads, no funding for water mains, no funding for electrical tie inn. Essentially if a business wants to do business in a rural area of Ohio then it must realize the total cost of doing business there.
-Privatize the OHIO turnpike and sell it as an asset and use the funds for investing in infrasture in a highspeed (transport)system from Columbus to Cleveland and also to Cinncinatti. Preferably highspeed rail, but no regional light rail exists, so personal transport may still be required, but automated, a hybrid system.
- School Funding REVAMP! Remove property tax funding for local schools. Regionalize the way the taxes are directed.
-Increase tax on fossil fuel energy sources. (idea being, tax and have the consumer realize the "true" cost of the fossil fuel and market forces will then be allowed to take over giving way to energy alternatives) Money directed to regional transport services
-institute a use tax of resources, water, land fill space, fuel (families over three will have special program so as not to penalize for larger families)
-Glass Bottle Return program begin
-direct revenue back to cities and regions which utilize existing resources and infrastructure for creating new business'
-advertising campaign for Ohio Tourism, for Ohioians. ie. Promote existing infrastucture and natural landscapes Southeastern ohio.
that is just the beginning i have to get back to my essay...

Tuesday, October 03, 2006


I finally did it.... I rode my bike to tremount for dinner and to use the FREE wifi. Sweet! What took me so long??

There is actually people walking around over here, in public, other than vagrants and drug dealers. Amazing..... I knew this was so, I just had to finally do it. I took a good route too, it only took me 30 min to get here and sit down for a beer. Amazing... in cleveland people always say, "oh it is just twenty minutes here or twenty minutes there". Well now... everything for me is only 30 minutes here or 30 minutes there. I say everything because what else is there that has life other than Tremount and parts of downtown? Maybe coventry... but again, if I use the train, that too is around 30 minutes... sweet.

ok... the snow may change things, but as I said in an earlier blog post one day at a time, I will take.

You see, I have to get excited about this, because I missed my team "chat" tonight, I am such a slacker, and feel bad about missing the appointment. I tried to use the "wifi" at Mayfield Public Library and when I went to sign into messenger, I got crushed....... When I inquired as to why it was not functioning the librarian just told me that they "don't have the software for that installed" ... hell no. The software is on my computer, isn't it? I am logged in now as I sit here at a restraurant, looking a hot women walk by, I think they filter it.... anyone out there have a guess why this might be? ( technical reasons only) I can think of the obvious ones on my own...

now I will enjoy this pasta and a beer and get to my essay....as I sit out on the patio enjoying one of those final days of "good" cleveland weather.
if you didn't check the last post, go to the Bernardvideo link!

(A table I assembled in Grenoble, France)